Saturday, 23 January 2010

Even the loo is not a telephone escape!!

It has been a few days since my last entry. I have still not got around to writing the press release for the Dog mag, but it is nearing the top of the list!!! on the roll of wallpaper ! I am heavily involved with the Tourist Information management team and we are fighting our corner to unite the local 5 T.I.C's and putting forward a local bid for a marketing grant. Visit Devon group, which are the latest bunch of government appointed so called "experts " are desperately trying to get all the tourism establishments to sign up with them. As we have experienced before, this is expensive and brings in little business. They promise great things! We will wait and see ? As I have mentioned before, the Tourist information centres are largely self funding and rely on advertising. Collectively, we will all be a strong force in both promoting tourism and also looking after the visitors when they get here. We are now closed until 23rd February, but so far I have taken about 3 days off. We are answering calls and so when not at Port light, all calls are diverted to my mobile. We have never been so busy with bookings and as much as we need them the phone always rings when I am having a wee! much to amusement of others if I am away and in a public toilet ! However keep ringing as space is already becoming very limited.It does appear that people are staying in the UK for their holidays. In our recent news letter which is now on our Port light "news & offers" section we asked previous guests to e mail us with their details. so far we have 396 people who want out e news letters. I tend to waffle on a bit, however all but one person enjoyed the content. The one lady who kindly e mailed her thoughts on my writings has caused great amusement from Friends and family who read her response. We are going to save it and publish in "The book" when I start to write it. I am sure it will make readers chuckle !I have been down at the cottages laminating Clover lounge and re painting the walls. unfortunately Hazel keeps taking bookings for the cottages in January so it is then a mad rush to get the cottage back together. The weather is now superb and about 12 degrees outside with no wind and lots of sunshine. Although it is very wet underfoot, it is great to walk the cliff paths as the scenery is great due to very clear skies. Hazel went shopping with Emily for her Prom dress today and I took the screamers ( our affectionate name for Ella & josh) down to Soar mill Cove. Sadly we found a Deer which had fallen over the cliff and died. Josh could not wait to tell Hazel he had seen father Christmas Reindeer but it was dead !! a good excuse for no presents next year! We are counting the days off until we go out to the Canaries on 6th Feb. Although I am dreading the flight with Ryan air and the euro rate which makes things very expensive it will be great to switch off. Jo, our friend will be manning the e mail and phones again. I have promised not to check any business e mails or answer my phone, but we will see!! Hazel tells me I have lost the ability to switch off from work ! The phone is ringing again so I will have to go. until next time.

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